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Reviews and info about paranormal mystery, suspense, and romance.

Interview with Paranormal Romance Writer Sam Cheever


paranormal romanceToday we interview USA Today bestselling author Sam Cheever, author of the Chasing Eros box set! Here’s a bit about Chasing Eros, and then, off to the interview:

The Chasing Eros box set includes three books featuring Cupids, the Gods of Love, and their struggle against their own weaknesses and magical interference to find love. Chasing Eros is set in a magical world that navigates between modern day Earth and golden Olympus–City of the Gods.

Book 1: Eros Unbridled

In the battle for true love, sometimes those who aren’t willing to fight sustain the most damage. [Click to Tweet]

Like generations of Cupids before her, Daphne Charissa is doomed to a long and loveless life. Tall, smart and sexy, Bion Chronos is everything she’s ever wanted in a man…and nothing she can ever have. The Fates have decreed that none of the Cupid race will ever know lifelong love. But love has a funny way of testing fate, and the power of a woman’s tears should never be underestimated.

Book 2: Eros Unchecked

Love can grow amid monsters and misunderstandings. If only she has the strength to grasp it. [Click to Tweet]

Athena Googlios’ new client is everything she thinks she wants in a lover. But Damian Leandar is a man of dangerous secrets and complex problems. Tormented by mythological beasts and struggling with her own innate prejudice…Athena is in danger of letting her perfect man slip away. Just as she realizes how much she wants him to stay.

Book 3: Eros Uncensored

He might have been high on Brimstone when he met her. But he wasn’t too drugged to recognize a good thing when she stuck a knife under his chin!

Hermes figured he had no future, so he gave up, wasting his days inhaling Brimstone in a Succubi House on Olympus. Cursed from birth, Nidras knew her future was sketchy at best. But the last thing she intended to do was give up. She thought she had to fight the curse alone, but she never counted on a drug muddled Cupid setting his sights on her and gumming up the works. Especially one as sexy and fun as Hermes. So what if he didn’t have the first clue how to protect himself in her dangerous world? It didn’t stop him from trying!

Buy them here:

Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LH2YAKQAmazon.ca: http://www.amazon.ca/Chasing-Eros-Box-Set-Cheever-ebook/dp/B00LH2YAKQ Amazon.uk: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chasing-Eros-Box-Set-Cheever-ebook/dp/B00LH2YAKQ

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1119894619?ean=2940149701070&itm=1&usri=2940149701070

All Romance eBooks: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-chasingerosboxset-1560279-153.html

Kobo Books: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/chasing-eros-box-set

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/454091

What 7 things absolutely drive you insane?

1. People who drive slow in the left lane. I mean, do they really not see the dozens of cars packed up behind them? How self-involved do you need to be to park yourself in the left lane and go ten miles below the speed limit? It boggles my mind.

2. People who don’t say thank you when you hold the door for them. Oh, excuse me, your highness. Shall I hold your crown while you flippin’ eat too? #:0)

3. People who are mean to animals. No joking on this one. It causes me to lose sleep at night. I really believe there’s something missing in a person who thinks it’s okay to abuse or neglect a defenseless animal. Those animals didn’t ask to be brought into your home. Given the chance they’ll do anything they can to please you and will love you no matter how big an @$$ you are. I include people who get a dog and leave it in a kennel or tied up in the yard in this group. I wonder how they would like being locked outside by themselves 24×7?

4. Thunderstorms in the middle of the night. Really? Does it HAVE to storm at 3 am EVERY time? LOL I love thunderstorms, but I want to be able to sit outside on the porch and watch them. Not so much when I’m trying to sleep and my thunder-phobic dogs are climbing the bed side table trying to hide.

5. Commercials. I know it’s unreasonable. People need to be able to sell their products. But I HATE sitting through commercials. I feel like they’re intruding on my life/time without my permission, especially when I’ve paid to watch something. If I’ve paid, I shouldn’t have to be subjected to commercials. Ugh!

6. Subtopic to Commercials above: Viagra/Low T commercials. Really? Are you really going to talk about your peeper problems on the TV or radio in the middle of the flippin’ day? Really? Do you think the world needs to hear about it? Just go to your dang doctor and handle it privately. Have some class! Argh!

7. Sub, Sub-topic to Commercials and Commercials Viagra: Government commercials telling you how to do everything from wash your hands to raising your kids. Are you kidding me? The same government who can’t mail a flippin’ letter without losing money. The same government who screws up everything it touches?That government is going to tell me how to raise my kids? Not your business, Government. Not your concern. And how many billions of dollars of my tax money are you wasting on that stupidity? Just stop it. Stop it now!

8. Yeah, I added one more thing I REALLY hate. People who whine and bitch all the time. LOL Okay, I’m done whining now. Life is Beautiful and I’m truly blessed. None of that other stuff really matters. Except, of course, the being cruel to animals thing.That we need to fix. #:0)

About the Author:

Sam Cheever paranormalUSA Today Bestselling Author Sam Cheever writes romantic paranormal/fantasy and mystery/suspense, creating stories that celebrate the joy of love in all its forms. Known for writing great characters, snappy dialogue, and unique and exhilarating stories, Sam is the award-winning author of 50+ books and has been writing for over a decade under several noms de plume.

If you haven’t already connected, Sam would love it if you Liked/Followed her wherever you enjoy hanging out online. Here are her online haunts:

Website: http://www.SamCheever.com Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sam-Cheever-Author/102117321982?ref=hl Twitter:https://twitter.com/samcheever Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/samcheever1/

Source: http://parayournormal.wordpress.com/2014/10/13/interview-with-paranormal-romance-writer-sam-cheever